Group Members
About Emren
Prof. Dr. Emren Nalbant
Emren Nalbant has received her BS degree in METU Department of Chemistry Education in 1998. Then she has performed master’s studies in METU Department of Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Ceyhan Kayran. Emren worked on synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes, and completed her studies in 2001.
Emren decided to pursue a doctoral degree and moved to the United States. She has conducted her PhD studies with the supervision of Prof. Bryan W. Eichhorn in University of Maryland. Her PhD work focused on synthesis and investigation of unique properties of transition metal centered main group (Zintl ion) clusters. After receiving her PhD degree in 2005, Emren started working as a postdoctoral research associate in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, USA. During these studies she had opportunity to gain experiences about great world of nanomaterials. Emren worked on synthesizing gold nanoparticles and investigating their potential sensing applications in Dr. Angela Hight Walker’s laboratory.
Finally in 2009 Emren came back to METU Department of Chemistry to deliver her experiences to young researchers. Since then Emren and her group members have been working on synthesizing clusters/nanomaterials, discovering their interesting properties and potential applications in various areas of nanotechnology naming sensing, solar cell, CO2 capture and catalysis.